Our first Spartan 500 Workout video became a source of bragging rights for so many of you that we wanted to created a second round for you to conquer. This is not only an intense cardio workout, it's also a very well rounded program in that no muscle groups are neglected.
In this routine, it's you against your own body & will - you're not going to need a single piece of equipment for any of these exercises, and we're betting that by the end you will never again doubt the effectiveness of a bodyweight only workout video.
We changed things up in this second round; instead of doing ten rounds of five exercises, we're doing five rounds of ten exercises. We will let you be the judge of whether this makes things more or less difficult.
Workout Structure
10 Challenging Bodyweight Exercises
10 Reps Each
5 Rounds
Minimal rest periods; 1 quick water break after Round 3
Warm up and cool down are not included; both are highly recommended
Spartan 500 Workout Exercises
Back Bows
Mountain Climbers
Supine Push Ups
Jumping Lunges
Push Ups
High Knees
Plank Knees
Star Jumps
Jackknife Crunches
Common Question: Is it okay to stop and take a break when I need to? Will that make this routine less effective?
Complete this workout at whatever pace you can. If you can't move as quickly as Daniel, you can always move slower or hit pause if you need a chance to catch your breath. If you're moving faster than Daniel, by all means, leave him in the dust and move as quickly as you can, as long as you are maintaining proper form and doing the full range of motion for each move. Short breaks will not significantly reduce the effectiveness of the workout, and it's better (and safer) to do the exercises right than it is to push through them with weak or sloppy form.
How often can I do this routine?
Because this is basically high intensity interval training without the rest periods, and because of the intense plyometric exercises, you don't want to do this routine every day of the week. The body needs time to heal in between workouts like these. You can do this 3-4 times a week, giving yourself rest when your muscles are sore. As always, make sure to mix things up; you need a combination of total body strength training and various intensities of cardio training for the best results.
Calorie Burn Estimations
We estimate that this total body workout burns between 187-306 calories, though there are many variables specific to each individual that end up influencing your actual expenditure. Make sure that you end up at the top end of this estimation range by pushing yourself as hard as you can throughout the entire routine. The actual number of calories that you burn will also depend on your bodyweight, muscle mass, gender, etc.
Have you conquered both the first and second rounds of the Fitness Blender Spartan 500 Workout? Which version do you think was the hardest?