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NEW 4-Week Program: FB Low Impact Round 3

Kettlebell Workout Routine for Strength

15 Min • Total Body
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Kettlebell, Strength Training
    • Equipment Dumbbell, Kettlebell
    • Membership Free


    We like kettlebell training workouts because they simultaneously develop strength and burn calories. The dynamic demands that it places on the body make it efficient and effective, and a go-to option for when you want to push yourself and work up a good sweat in a hurry.

    For this routine we are using an adjustable kettlebell, which is great for accommodating the varying strengths of different muscle groups. If you don't have access to this kind of equipment, you can always use a dumbbell instead; though the shape will cause some variance in how the equipment handles, the benefits will similar or nearly identical in terms of muscle groups used and calories burned.

    To get the most benefit from this kettlebell workout video, you are going to want to choose a weight that makes it very challenging for you to complete those last few reps - without sacrificing your form or technique.

    Workout Essentials
    We have six kettlebell exercises that we will do for varying repetitions, depending largely on how demanding the movement is. Make sure to do the same number of reps on each side of the body in order to prevent any imbalances in strength. This video only has one round but that's going to be enough to make you feel it.

    Printable Routine
    10 Single Leg Deadlifts (on each side) - Hold the weight in the opposite hand from the foot that you are balancing on
    20 Kettlebell Swings
    20 Alternating Swings
    8 Turkish Get Ups (on each side)
    10 Ventral Drops (on each side)
    10 Snatches (do reps with each arm)

    Kettlebell Calories Burned
    The exact figures are always going to depend heavily on variables that are specific to each individual; bodyweight, body fat levels, how fit an individual is, the amount of effort that they put into completing a routine, their gender, etc. We estimate that this burns roughly 8-12 calories per minute, or roughly 120-180 calories total, which is not bad at all for just fifteen minutes of your time.

    Keep in mind that you can make sure that you come out at the top end of those estimates by really pushing yourself during each exercise, and by making sure that you are choosing a weight that challenges your own strength. Any time you limp your way through a workout, the expenditure total is going to reflect that lack of enthusiasm.

    This video goes directly into the kettlebell strength workout; though the video does not include it, we strongly recommend that you include both a warm up cardio session, and a cool down and stretch before you jump into or walk away from this kind of routine. Having those precautions before and after a strength routine greatly lessen the likelihood of injuries and they have even been proven to help you make faster gains in strength and also make for quicker recovery due to lessened delayed onset soreness after tough workouts. Fitness Blender has many warm up cardio and cool down stretching videos, so make sure that you checkout our collection to build a comprehensive routine that will truly benefit your body.