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NEW 4-Week Program: FB Low Impact Round 3

Freeze and Squeeze Bodyweight Boot Camp - Active and Static Interval Workout Challenge

29 Min • Total Body
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Cardiovascular, Toning
    • Equipment No Equipment
    • Membership Free


    Here's a Boot Camp Workout that's a whole new kind of challenge. Your warm up cardio and cool down stretches are both included, so you've got everything you need in one place to get in a good workout in under 30 minutes.

    We've paired one thirty second interval of an "active" toning or cardio exercise with thirty seconds of a static hold of a position that utilizes the same muscle group. You'll do 30 seconds of each, take a twenty second active rest, and then repeat the active and static groups again. The "freeze and squeeze" is the static interval; hold the position we show you and do your best to keep every muscle group contracted and tight to get the most out of it. This is a surefire way to get your muscles burning like crazy.

    If this routine feels too easy for you, feel free to bump up the pace of the cardio intervals, or add weights to the reps or static holds. You can also turn this into a more advanced workout by doing high knees or even burpees during the active rest periods (instead of a jog in place/boxer shuffle).

    Workout Structure
    3 Minute Warm Up Cardio
    23 Minute Active- Static "Freeze and Squeeze" Workout
    3 Minute Cool Down and Stretch

    Squat Jacks
    Static Lunge

    Back Bow Hold

    Toe Touch Crunches
    Toe Touch Hold

    Static Bridge

    High Knees
    Captain Morgan (right for one of the intervals, left for the next)

    Ski Squats
    Static Squat

    Arm Circles
    Lateral Arm Raise Hold

    High Plank

    We estimate that this 29 minute workout burns 208-348 calories. There are many different variables specific to each individual that will influence actual caloric expenditure, including bodyweight, muscle mass, gender, effort levels, and more. Fitness Blender's calorie burn estimates are usually based off of an individual weighing between 115-25 lbs. If you weight more or less than those figures, your actual expenditure may fall outside of our estimates. You can help ensure that you come out on the high end of the range by giving your full blown effort, all the way through the routine.

    What did you think of this kind of workout? Did you like the challenge of the Active and Static Workout? Let us know if you'd like to see more like this one in the comments section below.