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OUR LATEST PROGRAMS: FB Low Impact Round 3 (4-Week Program) + Spring into Fitness (FREE 5-Day Challenge)

Fitness Blender's Free 5-Day Workout Challenge: For Busy People, Day 4

30 Min • Upper Body, Total Body
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Low Impact, Strength Training, Toning, Stretching/Flexibility
    • Equipment Dumbbell, Mat
    • Membership Free


    You have officially reached Day 4 of the 5 Day Challenge for Busy People! Your Day 4 workout is a strength and yoga blend that engages all of your muscles, with a special emphasis on the upper body. We go slightly easier on you today because we're winding up for a strong finish tomorrow - make sure that you don't do anything else more strenuous today (i.e. extra HIIT or strength training) so that you're able to push yourself hard tomorrow.

    About this Workout:
    After a simple cardio warm up, we move directly into the more traditional strength training for the upper body, followed by a fun yoga workout for strength - If you've been sitting still for a long period of time (i.e. watching tv or working at the computer for hours) before starting this workout, you may want to do a few extra minutes of a warm up. For the upper body superset strength training exercises, and for the yoga strength workout, we use timed intervals of 40 second on, and 10 seconds rest. If at any point your muscles start to burnout or your form starts to suffer, lower the amount of weight you're lifting, drop the weights all together, or stop and take a quick break before you jump back in. A relaxing cool down and stretch is included at the end.

    Lift as heavily as you can with proper form; lift like you mean it for best results!

    Workout Structure:

    •     Length: 30 Minutes
    •     Strategy: Fat burning, endurance boosting HIIT and abs
    •     Difficulty Level: Low impact beginner AND advanced modifications shown all throughout
    •     Calories Burned: 115 - 216
    •     Equipment: Optional dumbbells (you can always improvise with any other kind of weight, or even use no weight at all, instead using antagonistic movements by focusing on working against yourself)

    Find the rest of the program here:

    Help us keep more great content coming to you free!

    Here at Fitness Blender we try to provide as much content as we can for free because we feel that everyone should have access to accurate health and fitness information no matter what their income. So far we have been able to keep our entire library of full length workout videos free. If you would like to help us keep them free all we ask is for you to share Fitness Blender with your friends and family as the more people who use our site means the more we can continue to offer free of charge. Thank you.

    Eat to nourish your body, drink lots of water, and come back and see us tomorrow for Day 5, the last day of the 5 Day Workout Challenge!