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NEW 4-Week Program: FB Low Impact Round 3

Day 4 - 5 Day Workout Challenge to Burn Fat & Build Lean Muscle - Kickboxing & Yoga Workout

49 Min • Upper Body, Total Body
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Cardiovascular, Low Impact, Strength Training, Toning, Kickboxing
    • Equipment No Equipment
    • Membership Free


    Today is Day 4 in our 5 Day Workout Challenge which means this is your second to last workout of this plan and the last time we will directly target the upper body. That means that you need to give it all you have to really work that upper body to get the most strength gain and calorie burn from this challenge. Day 5 will be focused on legs again so even if your upper body is really sore from today's workout you will be fine for tomorrow.

    While going through today's workout you will find that your body will try to "cheat" by relaxing during the cardio kickboxing portion of each group. It is very important to continue to watch your form and push yourself with each punch and kick. If you just go though the motions you will easily fall to the lower end of the calorie burn for this routine and possibly even lower. It takes a decent amount of willpower to keep swing hard at nothing but if you can keep focused you can easily burn an incredibly high number of calories not to mention challenge your cardiovascular and muscle endurance.

    Workout Structure:
    Length: 49 Minutes
    Strategy: Upper Body Strength and Cardio Kickboxing Blend
    Equipment: No Equipment Needed (optional weight for one exercise)
    Calories Burned: 272-561

    Routine: After starting with a quick warm up cardio section we move into the cardio kickboxing and upper body bodyweight strength routine. This is comprised of 7 groups of two exercises each. One exercise is an upper body focused body weight exercise and the other is a cardio kickboxing combination. Each will be done twice for 45 seconds with 15 seconds rest in an ABAB pattern. Once done with all 7 groups we will move onto a free form yoga inspired power stretch.

    Upper Body Strength & Cardio Kickboxing
    Single Leg Push Up
    (Jab, Jab, Cross) x 2

    Supine Push Up
    Upper Cut x 2, Knee x 2

    Pike Push Up
    Jab, Jab, Cross, Upper Cut x 2

    Pull Over
    Knee x 2, Hook x 2

    Tricep Dips
    Jab, Cross, Upper Cut, Knee

    Supine Close Push Up
    Jab x 2, Upper Cut x 2

    Antagonistic Curls
    Hook x 2, Duck, Knee x 2

    Yoga Inspired Toning & Stretch Workout
    Tricep Push Up + Child's Pose
    Wheel + Toe Touch Crunch
    Down Dog + Up Down
    Warrior Lunges + Core Stretch
    Camel Pose + Alternating Reach
    Bird Dogs
    Rolling T Stabilization

    Find the rest of the program here:

    Get a Plan Ready!
    We are nearing the end of this 5 day challenge which means you need to start thinking about what to do next. Feel free to start this challenge over again (you can keep this same challenge for 2-3 weeks in a row if you like, but we don't advise you go much longer than that before switching things up with another set of our free workouts or one of our programs) or try one of our 4 Week or 8 Week Programs. If you want to do it on your own be sure to try and have an idea of which one of our 400+ free workout videos you want to do for at least the next couple of days - this video will help you to use our free workouts to build a plan on your own. Having a preset plan, whether is is one we have created or it is one you have created on your own, will always increase your chances of success and your adherence to a healthy life style.