We're back with another round of strength training, using the AB AB format you love. This one combines a variety of squats, lunges, and a few different types of deadlifts to really burn out the muscles of the lower body. My butt and thighs, especially my hamstrings, were killing me (in the best of ways, of course) for 2-3 days after I did this routine.
A word of advice for this routine; lift like you mean it. If you want to see changes in your body fat, and changes in the way your body is shaped, lift heavily - and even more importantly, lift properly. Mind your form. Squeeze your muscles. I know I probably sound like a broken record by this point but I want you to be working hard! I want you to be breathing heavily and breaking a sweat with these strength training workouts. If you choose the right weight and work hard to keep perfect form, you're going to find that there's a fine line between strength training and cardio, or at least that strength training can easily turn into a cardiovascular challenge as well.
We've given you 20 seconds of Active Rest in between each set of exercises. We stuck to a "Boxer Shuffle" or "Butt Kickers" for the light cardio, but you can do something as challenging or as easy as you need. Do keep in mind that the vast majority of your efforts should be going towards the strength training portion of this routine. You can do Burpees for your active rest if you like, but if you find that you're having to stop a few reps short or lift lighter than you normally would, then you need to take the cardio component down a notch and instead try and challenge yourself with the strength training.
Workout Structure
5 Groups of 2 Exercises
AB / AB Format
10 Reps
30 Minutes Total
We haven't included a warm up so make sure that you do one of our warm up cardio videos before jumping into this one. Strength training on cold muscles is no bueno and makes injuries and strains more likely. We have included a thorough cool down and stretch.
Printable Workout
Traditional Squats - Kelli is using 30 lbs, or 13.6 kg, total
Deadlifts - Kelli is using 48 lbs, or 21.8 kg, total
Ski Squats - Kelli is using 30 lbs, or 13.6 kg, total
Deadlifts, Toes pointed inward - Kelli is using 48 lbs, or 21.8 kg, total
Sumo Squats - Kelli is using 30 lbs, or 13.6 kg, total
Deadlifts, Toes pointed outwards - Kelli is using 48 lbs, or 21.8 kg, total
Curtsy Lunges - Kelli is using 24 lbs, 0r 10.9 kg, total
Side Lunges, Alternating - Kelli is using 24 lbs, 0r 10.9 kg, total
Jump Squats
Lateral Jumps
Make sure you don't skip your independent warm up, and finish the video all the way through to the end of the cool down.