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NEW 4-Week Program: FB Low Impact Round 3

20 Minute Total Body Active Static Workout - At Home Bodyweight Workout

22 Min • Total Body
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Low Impact, Strength Training, Toning
    • Equipment Mat, No Equipment
    • Membership Free


    Though we don't do this type of routine very often, this is actually one of my favorite ways to get a good muscle burn without doing a really high intensity cardio workout.  

    With the active-static style of training you have a group of two different exercises that use a similar position and utilize the same muscle groups. For example, the first group of exercises in the workout video are a traditional push up and a plank. Both of these exercises utilize almost identical muscle groups, actually the only muscle group that is not used by both exercises is the triceps which is more predominately used in the push up and is either not used or only lightly used depending on the style of plank you choose to do.

    The workout consists of 10 groups of 2 exercises done back to back in an AB, AB; Tabata style format. Again using the first group as an example you would do as many push ups as you can for 20 second, then you get a quick 10 second rest break then you go directly into a plank and hold that static position for a full 20 seconds before repeating both exercises again. You repeat this same pattern for each group until you are done with all 10 groups.

    This routine, as I said before, can quickly make your muscles burn so feel free to take extra breaks or longer breaks as needed.

    Workout Structure:
    - 20 Sec On / 10 Sec Rest; Tabata style
    - 2 Sets of Active Motion & 2 Sets of Static Hold
    - 10 Total Groups

    - Exercise Mat (optional)

    Warm Up / Cool Down:
    - Not Included

    - Push Up / Plank
    - Single Leg Squat / Static Squat
    - Supine Push Up /  Supine Plank
    - Alternating Lunge / Static Lunge
    - Tricep Dip / Dip Hold

    Water Break

    - Single Leg Calf Raise / Calf Raise Hold (L and R)
    - Downward Dog Press / Press Hold
    - Toe Touch Crunch / Static Toe Touch Crunch
    - Side Hip Raise / Side Plank
    - Back Bow / Static Back Bow

    Though you may not be doing any huge motions in this video you are still burning a good number of calories because of having to constantly keep your muscles contracted. In this particular routine you can expect to burn 5 calories per minute on the low end and 12 calories per minute on the high end, giving you a burn of between 100 and 240 total calories for the 20 minute routine.