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NEW 4-Week Program: FB Low Impact Round 3

Fitness Blender's HIIT The Deck Cardio Workout

9 Min • Lower Body, Core
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Cardiovascular, HIIT, Toning
    • Equipment No Equipment
    • Membership Free


    Fitness Blender’s HIIT with a twist; we never want your workouts to be boring. This workout is short, but incredibly effective and great for burning off some extra calories and getting in a good sweat when you are short on time.

    The demanding effort put forth in high intensity interval training workouts have been shown to boost the resting metabolism of an individual for up to 24-72 hours. Give your full effort throughout this workout video and you can burn 68-112 calories in under 9 minutes, and potentially cause a metabolic disturbance in your body that causes that elevated expenditure over the next couple of days, even while you are resting. On top of the caloric burn, you’re also going to be using a wide variety of muscles, which will help you tone up quickly, particularly in conjunction with the calorie burn.

    If you have tried any of our “When I say Jump” HIIT routines, you will be familiar with the concept of this one. When we say “Down”, hit the deck – Essentially, you are stopping whatever you are doing, no matter what part of a repetition that you are at, and dropping to the floor in a high plank (yes, this is an undercover burpee, but we have cleverly disguised under a thin veil of fun unpredictability, so that you hopefully comply). Don’t try to move at the same exact pace as we do in the video; move as fast or as slow as you like, so that you can react quickly & naturally to the “Down” commands.

    Routine Structure
    8 40 Second Intervals
    20 Seconds Rest between each
    “Down” Commands at random
    Warm up and cool down not included; both are recommended

    Printable Routine
    Jumping Jacks
    Jump Squats
    Reverse Lunges + Hops
    High Knees
    Split Jumps
    Repeater Left
    Repeater Right
    Heel Clickers

    This cardio workout video is best used in conjunction with lower impact cardio, or strength training, depending on what your goals are. Because this one is so short, it can be paired with one of our longer high intensity interval training routines if you are looking for a longer sweat session or higher calorie burn.

    HIIT should not be done more than 3-4 times a week (maximum) because of the demands that it places on the body – chances to heal are an important part of fitness and should not be neglected.