Hair growth is most effectively encouraged from the inside of your body, via your diet. Juicing for hair growth can help slow down the rate at which you are losing your tresses, and even help you grow them back.
Cucumber is high in potassium, manganese, silica and sulfur. The silica in cucumber, especially when combined with carrots, works well in juicing for hair growth. The silica in cucumber juice also improves the condition of your skin and fingernails. Cucumber is largely water and hydrates your body thoroughly.
Read more about juicing health benefits
These juicer recipes taste delicious, can help to encourage a thicker mane, and dramatically improve your overall health.
A juice to do the trick
• ½ Cucumber
• 5 Large Carrots, ends trimmed
• 1 Apple
This is an easy-to-drink blend that is light, sweet, and very pleasant tasting. The apple sweetens the juice and also helps promote healthy digestion.
A drink for the health of your tresses
• ¼ Cucumber
• 4 Large Carrots, ends trimmed
• 1 Large Tomato
The tomato adds Lycopene, which helps the body fight the production of cancerous cells. The high amount of Vitamin A in both carrots and tomatoes also increases the capacity of this juice to improve the health and possibly even the growth rate of your tresses.
Cleansing juice to promote growth
• 5 Large Carrots, ends trimmed
• ½ Cucumber
• ½ Small beet
Beets are extremely cleansing when in liquid form and boost the body’s immunity against many types of cancers, as well as common ailments and aches. Beets should be used in small portions and only when diluted with other vegetables.
Apple Carrot Celery Juice
Make sure to wash the vegetables very thoroughly before processing. The way that you cut your vegetables prior to juicing will depend largely on how strong your juicer is and the shape of the processor.
Aside from the fact that certain recipes can help aid in the growth of your locks, it is also extremely healthy for your body; arguably one of the best things that you can do for yourself, nutritionally. The appearance of locks is one of those superficial things that can actually be a pretty good indicator of how healthy your body is. For example, being dehydrated, sleep deprived or short on nutrients can very well make it appear stressed or overly dry. Juicing is a way to take care of the more superficial statuses of health from the inside out.
Sign in to your free Fitness Blender account and share your story; have you had any luck with this approach? Have any other natural remedies ever worked for you for fighting thinning tresses?

Juicing Recipes for Hair Growth
Healthy Recipes