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NEW 4-Week Program: FB Low Impact Round 3

Fitness Blender's Free 5-Day Workout Challenge: Burn Fat & Build Lean Muscle

Read Time • 5 Min
  • Category Fitness
  • Membership Free


We are extremely excited to present to you this free 5 Day Workout Challenge that's going to push you to your limits and change your body, in the comfort of your own living room - and it's not even going to cost you a penny. One of our main goals with Fitness Blender is to make fitness more accessible to everyone, regardless of financial hurdles or access to a gym or personal trainer. Our free 5 Day Workout Challenge makes for a great jumpstart - once you get a good grasp on the habit, we've got over 400 other free full length workout videos for you to choose from to stay active.

This challenge has everything you need for an incredibly effective workout plan - metabolism boosting strength training for all of the major muscle groups, fat burning HIIT, endurance boosting bodyweight cardio, stretching for flexibility, and plyometric and agility themed exercises to increase your coordination, balance, and control over your own body. While this challenge only spans a short 5 days, we promise that if you eat clean and follow this plan, you're going to feel different - leaner and stronger - likely even as soon as by the end of just one week.

What you'll need:
- Motivation (you might find it in these Fitness Blender stories)
- Comfortable workout clothes & music that motivates you
- 35-50 minutes; 5 days in a row
- We keep equipment minimal, but you will need an exercise mat or soft surface, dumbbells or any other kind of weight (you can even get creative and improvise for weights, i.e. water bottles, homemade sandbags, backpacks filled with books, etc)

Find the days of the challenge at the pages below (for best results, do them in order):

What should I do after this week of workouts?
If you love this workout challenge and want to do more like it, check out our 8 Week Fat Loss Programs. The 8 Week Programs are similar to this challenge but are much more detailed and also come with a free nutrition guide that tells you how to eat throughout the program in order to get the best results. You'll be given day by day explanations of exactly which workout videos to do for 8 weeks. People who complete the programs lose an average of 16-24 lbs, and see significant improvements in endurance, strength, flexibility, muscle tone and body shape.

Can I repeat this challenge for more than one week? How often should I switch up my routine?
In order to keep brain and body from growing bored, it's important to switch up your routine relatively often. You can do this 5 day plan 2-3 times in a row, but for a more diverse & longer term use, we strongly recommend considering our 8 Week Fat Loss Programs for the fastest, safest results possible.

What fitness level is this challenge meant for?
Beginner, intermediate, and advanced; we will provide modifications throughout the plan in order to make it accessible to most fitness levels, though some people who are completely inexperienced may need additional modifications or verbal coaching and cues. This program is meant for generally healthy individuals with no contradictions for intense physical activity; express permission from a personal health care physician is strongly advised.

Want to see more free workout challenges like this one?
The only thing we ask in return is that you help us continue to make free workout videos to share with the rest of the world by sharing Fitness Blender & this challenge with everyone you know - via word of mouth, maybe a Facebook page, website or blog - whatever it takes! So far this small husband-and-wife business of two has amassed over 17 million monthly viewers, not by any advertising but purely because our viewers share our content with friends (thank you FB Family!). You can also support us in creating more free content by purchasing one of our 8 Week Fat Loss Programs (similar to but much more thorough than this free 5 day plan) or our 4 Week Meal Plans.