The Fitness Blender Killer Home Workout is a week long workout plan and functional training routine built to target the entire body and build strength and control. Commit to this workout and you will most definitely see an increase in energy and body definition and tone in as little as a week or two.
This routine requires a high base level of fitness and should not be attempted by those new to exercise, without the express permission of your personal physician.
Doing this total body workout, in conjunction with a restriction in your normal caloric intake, can effectively help you lose weight quickly and safely while building strength and increasing muscle content at the same time.
Would you rather watch a workout video? If so, check out our completely free, full length home workout videos.
Workout Structure:
Follow the routine as it is or complete the days in any order you want; just make sure you complete all 7 days of the 1 week workout plan without skipping any days or repeating any days within a specific week. Each routine is a roughly 60 minute home workout. If you like, you can break the days with two cycles apart so that you have two separate 30 minute workouts, for an extra metabolic boost.
Day 1
-Warm Up: Jumping Jacks 5 Minutes - Jump Rope (slow-medium) 5 Minutes
-Cycle 1: Pyramid (1-5-1) Start with one repetition on your first set with 1 second of rest, then 2 repetitions on your second round with 2 seconds of rest, three on your third and so on until you hit 5 reps on your 5th set (with 5 seconds of rest), then decrease your reps and rest each set until you are back to one on your 9th set. Use these three exercises;
• Push Up
• Bodyweight Squat
• Russian Twist
-Cycle 2: Tabata (20 seconds on 10 seconds off) complete each exercise for 2 minutes using the Tabata timing technique; do each exercise just once through.
• Jumping Lunge
• Toe Touch Crunch
• Burpee
• Back Bow Crossovers
• Mt. Climbers
• Pilates Side Hip Raise (Left Side Only)
• Squat Jacks
• Pilates Side Hip Raise (Right Side Only)
-Cool Down: Jump Rope (slow) 10 Minutes
Day 2
-Warm Up: Jumping Jacks 5 Minutes - Jump Rope (slow-medium) 5 Minutes
-Cycle 1: Static Hold (45 second hold, 15 second rest) Do four cycles of these four static hold exercises:
• Plank Extension (Left Hand)
• Pilates Back Bow (hold at top of motion)
• Plank Extension (Right Hand)
• Toe Touch Crunch (hold at top of motion)
-Cycle 2: 55 Rep Slide (10-1) Do ten sets of 5 exercises starting with 10 repetitions and reducing your repetitions by one each set after that until you are at one repetition on your last set (set one =10 reps, set two = 9 reps, set three = 8 reps, etc). Use these 5 exercises:
• Wide Push Up
• Jack Knife Crunch
• Squat Jump
• Lateral Jumps
• Pull Up (can be replaced with pullovers)
-Cool Down: Stretch (15-20 minutes)
Day 3
-Warm Up: Jumping Jacks 5 Minutes - Jump Rope (slow-medium) 5 Minutes
-Cycle 1: Intervals (2 Minutes on, 3 Minutes off) Jump Rope for 2 minutes as fast as you can then rest for three minutes, but do not sit down or stop moving. Do 6-8 rounds.
-Cool Down: Do each to exhaustion twice, alternating back and forth:
• Alternating Lunge
• Windshield Wipers
Day 4
-Warm Up: Jumping Jacks 5 Minutes - Jump Rope (slow-medium) 5 Minutes
-Cycle 1: Bear Crawl and Crab Walk (30 feet each). Do five rounds of each exercise alternating back and forth (one round is 30 feet of each exercises). Do this outside or cut the distance in half and do it inside in an out and back fashion.
-Cycle 2: Speed Boot Camp: complete this routine as quickly as possible. Take as much time as you need to rest between exercises but remember that you are against the clock. Complete each exercise with the specified repetitions.
• 10 Reps - Knee Tuck Jump
• 10 Reps - Pilates Side Plank w/ Leg Raise (Left Side)
• 10 Reps - Pilates Side Plank w/ Leg Raise (Right Side)
• 10 Reps - Double Leg Circles (Clockwise)
• 10 Reps - Double Leg Circles (Counterclockwise)
• 12 Reps - Burpee
• 12 Reps - Russian Twist
• 12 Reps - Jack Knife Crunch
• 12 Reps - Back Bow Crossover
• 20 Reps - Push Up
• 20 Reps - Squat Jacks
-Cool Down: Jump Rope (slow) 10 Minutes
Day 5
-Warm Up: Jumping Jacks 5 Minutes - Jump Rope (slow-medium) 5 Minutes
-Cycle 1: Core Work 55 Rep Slide (10-1) Complete ten sets of the following exercises starting with 10 repetitions and ending with 1, dropping each set by 1 rep (set one = 10 reps, set two = 9 reps, set three = 8 reps, etc.). Use these five exercises:
• Jack Knife Crunch
• Pilates Swimmers
• Pilates Side Hip Raise (Left Side)
• Pilates Side Hip Raise (Right Side)
• Windshield Wipers
-Cycle 2: Static Hold (45 seconds each with 15 sec rest) Do two rounds of all exercises. Use the following exercises for this part of the home workout:
• Plank Extension (Left Side)
• Plank Extension (Right Side)
• Side Plank (Left Side)
• Side Plank (Right Side)
• Pilates Back Bow
-Cool Down: Jump Rope (slow) 10 Minutes
Day 6
Rest / Flexibility Work / Light Cardio (optional)
Day 7
Rest / Flexibility Work / Light Cardio (optional)

Fitness Blender Killer Home Workout - Week Long Home Total Body Workout Plan
Read Time • 6 Min
- Category Fitness
- Membership Free