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NEW 4-Week Program: FB Low Impact Round 3

Fitness Blender Before and After Pictures Round 3 - Before and After Weight Loss Transformations

Read Time • 2 Min
  • Category Fitness
  • Membership Free


Part of the cool thing about Fitness Blender is that we get to talk to people from all over the world - of all different walks of life, beliefs, ages, backgrounds, and lifestyles. The thing that all of the people in this transformation video have in common is that they do Fitness Blender workout videos.

We get so many great before and after pictures from you guys, and all of the people who send those pictures are brave enough to let us share with all of the rest of the Fitness Blender Family, just to possibly inspire someone else to make healthy eating and exercising commitments in their own lives.

All of the people in these pictures have used Fitness Blender workouts; many have also made changes to their eating habits as well. Some have built their own programs using our videos, and many have used our 8 Week Fat Loss Programs & 4 Week Meal Plans.

This video showcases many people who have lost a significant amount of weight, but please do remember that it's not all about the number on the scale or even the way that your body looks. It's about health. Make healthy your first priority and weight loss and an attractive physique is going to follow naturally.

If you have made changes in your lifestyle and body using our workout videos, and want to be a part of our next before and after success compilation, send us your photos and story to

Thank you again to everyone who shared their stories to make this video happen!

Watch our other Before and After/Success Stories Videos: Round 1 & Round 2